Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Heartfelt Prayer

Father, here I bow before you
Accept my humble plea
Take this soul I'm praying for
And save it mightily

Lord, if it would please you
Rescue by your might
The lost sheep that's far away
And ever hold it tight

Indeed, I pray with fervent heart
For the salvation of a friend
I ask you Lord to bring, at last
Sin's power to an end

So many times I've asked you
With tears in the dark of night
To mercifully redeem and turn
This dark heart into light

And Father when I cease to trust
In your great power to save
Lift my eyes from my doubts
To the Son you gave

Oh help me e'er to find in you
Comfort when needed most
Enable me to wait on grace
Great Shepherd and Lord of Hosts

Greater faith please give to me
And more trust in your will
Grant me the perseverance
To keep on praying still

And when an answer to my prayers
May sometimes doubtful prove
By your words remind me
You work all things out for good

But Father God, above all things
When my prayers reach your throne
If you choose to answer me
Let the glory be yours alone


Deb said...

Angela, I love your poem.
Aunt Deb

Angela said...

Thank you and praise God! I wrote this one years ago about a friend who has recently been saved. What a testimony to answered prayer!