While reading this week I came upon Psalm 1:3 which says..."He (the righteous man) is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In
all that he does, he prospers." For some reason this was much more impacting than it has ever been for me. In all that he does? That statement sounds too good to be true! But then I began to think about what prosperity really is. Webster's dictionary defines prosperity as "the condition of being successful or thriving." It adds that this is usually economical, but not always. When most of us hear the word "prosperity" we do think economics. We picture someone with plenty of money in the savings, two nice cars in the garage, a comfortable home, a booming business, etc. But why don't we think on a deeper level? Why don't we think of prosperity in terms of
spiritual thriving? That is what this verse is talking about. Here is spiritual prosperity: 1) Draw all nourishment from the stream of living water, 2) Continue to yield up your fruit in season, and 3) Separate yourself from anything that might cause you to wither. Abiding by these things will cause your soul to thrive and God will bless you with spiritual, eternal prosperity.
Blessed state! and happy he
Who is like that planted tree;
Living waters bathe its root,
Bends its bough with golden fruit.
When the seedling from its bed
First lifts up its timid head,
Ministry of thine must give,
All on which its life can live.
Showers from thee must bid it thrive,
Breath of thine must oft revive;
Life from thee its bloom supplies,-
Left by thee it fades and dies.
Thine, O Lord, the power and praise!
Which a sight like this displays;
Power of thine must plant it there,
Praise of thee it should declare.
~M. B. Barton
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