Friday, October 15, 2010

The Creator's Kindness

Every object we behold calls on us to bless and praise the Lord, who is great. His eternal power and Godhead are clearly shown by the things which he has made. God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. The Lord Jesus, the Son of his love, is the Light of the world. When we reflect upon the provision made for all creatures, we should also notice the natural worship they render to God. The divine providence not only furnishes animals with their proper food, but vegetables also with theirs. The trees of the Lord are full of sap, not only men's trees, which they take care of and have an eye to, in their orchards, and parks, and other enclosures, but God's trees, which grow in the wildernesses, and are taken care of only by his providence; they are full of sap and want no nourishment. Even the cedars of Lebanon, an open forest, though they are high and bulky, and require a great deal of sap to feed them, have enough from the earth; they are trees which he has planted, and which therefore he will protect and provide for. We may apply this to the trees of righteousness, which are the planting of the Lord, planted in his vineyard; these are full of sap, for what God plants he will water, and those that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. Yet man, forgetful ungrateful man, enjoys the largest measure of his Creator's kindness, the earth, varying in different lands. Nor let us forget spiritual blessings; the fruitfulness of the church through grace, the bread of everlasting life, the cup of salvation, and the oil of gladness.

~Matthew Henry's Daily Readings, October 15th

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