Monday, November 24, 2008

Through a Glass Darkly

As through a glass darkly
I catch a glimpse of Him,
A shadow of His person
As through candlelight dim

There appears to be a mist
Like a veil that hides His face,
I cannot see Him well
But here and there a trace

I know Him to be real
And at times my eyes can see,
A vision clear of Jesus
And of His reality

His Spirit guides my footsteps
As on the way I tread,
A sort of fiery pillar
That points the way ahead

As through this world I go
He gently guides the way,
And though I cannot see Him
He leads me day by day

When my life begins to flicker
And my race is almost run,
At the end there lies a trophy
When the triumph all is done

The triumph is not mine
And neither is the praise,
They both belong to God
Who keeps me all my days

Then I shall see His face
No longer faint or dim or hid,
In clear and shining Glory
I shall see Him as He is


Hannah said...

I love this poem! Did you write it?

Angela said...

Yes, I wrote it. It was in part inspired by the phrase that Bob Jennings uses often: "through a glass darkly." The other part of the inspiration came from my own thoughts on how we can see and know Christ in this life, but certainly not to the extent that we will see and know Him in heaven.