Today I was reminded of Luke's account of the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46). Here it describes Jesus in the garden "praying fervently" and being in "great agony." He says "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." Luke also says that Jesus was distressed to the point of sweating drops of blood. I think this is an excellent indication that He knew what turmoil, suffering, and ridicule was in store for him at the cross. But rather than dodging or finding some way to deliver himself, as he easily could have done, he approached the cross as lamb to the slaughter and without resisting (Isaiah 53:7). Even though Jesus knew that beating, spitting, mocking, blaspheming, false accusation, thorns, nails, and a spear awaited Him, He also knew what the will of His Father was. And He obeyed.
Now to apply this passage to the Christian. It is safe to say that Jesus endured more suffering than we could ever dream of since he bore the sin of the elect on his shoulders. This was a massive weight compared to the trials within the life of the Christian. But how many of us have chosen to shrink from the will that God has for us? I know I am guilty of this on more than one occassion. Trial and difficulty are not easily embraced.
So how should trials be approached in the mind of a Christian? Here is a thought that a friend of mine pointed out: she said "this world is as close to hell as a Christian will ever get." By this she meant that in this world we will face suffering and difficulty, but after death Christians get to spend eternity in heaven adoring the Savior they served on earth. I found this to be a great comfort and it spurred me on to endure trials and testings with an attitude of acceptance and joy rather than grumbling and despair. If Jesus had not had courage in the face of the cross, I would have no hope of heaven.
Ang - you have a wonderful perspective on handling trials. Trials are fleeting compared to eternity.
2 Cor. 4:17
Aunt Deb
2 Cor 4:16-18 are verses the Lord gave me years ago prior to a severe trial. God's truths are timeless, unchanging. ~ Jenny (Mom
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