Sunday, April 11, 2010

Arctic Update

Dear Friends,

I thank you all for your prayers on behalf of my dear Grandmother Barb. She has improved much and yet is still trying to recover. The Lord is blessing her with much grace and the blessing of family coming from all over to be with her.

It was an amazing experience to stand with another cousin of mine both of us whom Grandma prayed earnestly for. To stand there as saved men by the grace of God and as we began to read her the scriptures and pray for her she began to pray some of the sweetest words to the Lord. At one point she said, "Jesus, I need You; all I want is You, to be with You the rest of my life" and she paused and said "O, He said I could be!" The Lord's presence was very real to us and I will never forget this time. It is a very comforting and joyous thing to know without a doubt that she is eternally secure in Her Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers.

Please pray for brother Al Whittinghill, as he leaves today to speak to a conference of 13 Alaska native churches. I believe these will be very important and timely meetings the Lord has set before us.

Ministry is going strong in the many villages we are working in. We are already gearing up for pastoral and leadership equipping next fall. It is a blessing to see these men fearlessly and boldly proclaim the good news. It is a privilege to come under them and support them and their families as they set to reach their people.

I have also seen the great need to be of some help to the natives here. I have been picking up hitchhikers on the reservation here and have liberty to share the gospel with them. I am hoping to be able to disciple some of them and see an indigenous work come together here.

Most of all I am grateful that, by God's grace alone, my name is written in heaven. What amazing grace. God's perfect love to save the uttermost like me. What good news we have for this day!

Thank you,

- Justin

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