This is a report received from Justin and Melissa Vold who are serving with their family in the remote parts of Alaska. The names of the remote villages have been taken out due to concern about cult activity in the area and the Vold's safety. Please pray for them as they serve The Lord of the Harvest on the mission field.
Dear Friends,
It is always a challenge to write to you and report on what the Lord is doing in Western Alaska. As one friend of mine said, "When we share, it is a danger to not sound as if we are boasting, as if we have done anything, when actually we have only witnessed God doing great things. But it is important for those who pray for us and the work here to hear testimony of these things. So with that in mind, here is my report of what God has done and is doing in the remote parts of the U. S. here in Alaska. Much will be left out, as I do not have the space here to tell you all that I witnessed, but I will give you the highlights as best as I can.
My flight was delayed going to Anchorage, which turned out to be a fruitful time of ministering the Gospel to several travelers in great need. One was a cowboy named Jake from Australia. I ask that you pray for him. Another was a young lady who recently lost her husband and was upset with God. After 6 hours of flying and a long time in the book of Job, she was able to release many tears and express thankfulness to God and gain more understanding into His plans and ways.
After arriving in the first village it took only seconds to realize I was in more of a pagan area than I have ever traveled to. This area has been under heavy Russian Orthodox oppression for over 200 years, as well as mixed with the deceitfulness of Catholicism and their abusive priests.
The darkness of the enemy and the strongholds of sin were evident everywhere. My heart was grieved heavily to see such a state and then to think of all those living here, as well as the nearby villages who are like sheep without a shepherd. No true church, no Good News, no hope, and yet the Lord of the harvest is stirring hearts in these villages.
When I arrived, we got word that a cousin of Michael's had committed suicide by his second attempt after running his 4 wheeler at a high speed into the village council building. Michael's mother wanted to go to the services and so we paid the fuel to get her there. It also proved to be a fruitful time of sharing the Word of God and encouraging the very few there who are believers.
I met one family who have been strict Russian Orthodox, but in the last few months, their Dad has come under conviction of sin and a desire to read the Word and here in this lonely village he is seeking God. We had a good visit and season of prayer in their home.
When we returned 3 days later, we took a steam with some of the village elders. I was in the small cooling room, asking the Lord where the open door was to share the Gospel with them. Just then from inside the steam, Michael yelled out "Feed them some milk, brother!" He has only been a Christian for 2 years and is so fervent to see his people come to the truth and believe on the Lord Jesus.
From that point on, for the rest of this first trip, every house we went in and nearly every person we walked by, Michael said, "Justin tell them why you are here; tell these people about Jesus."
Each day from the time I woke up until I went to bed seemed to be constant ministry and preaching. One young man nick-named Monster walked in and sat down and the Lord opened the door to share with him. He was so hungry and had just moved back from living in a nearby village for 5 years. He said it was like hell to live there. God's hand seems to be on this 13 year old in a special way. In fact he told me when he was in that previous village he was "being mischief with his friends" and when he heard the Catholic Church bell, he left them behind and went in. They taught him how to read prayers to Mary and his guardian angel, but he was still so hungry for God. He said, "I don't want to do the bad things I've been do before; I am glad I heard about Jesus now while I am young." I have a lot of hope for him and ask you to keep him in your prayers.
A couple I believe the Lord saved while on this trip was Gary and Kelly who have a 2 year old son. We were in their house for several hours, explaining the Scriptures from Genesis onward about salvation in Christ alone. They were so hungry for the truth and His Word, and prayer with them was sweet and real.
Of course not all received the Gospel message warmly. In fact, Michael wanted to set up and announce some meetings, so he put up some posters to say I was coming, but they were always ripped off the walls of the native store. Several people would walk away with angry looks at the ground when they found out I was there to preach the Gospel.
I was able to sow some seed with one man known as a notorious God-hater in the village, as I wanted to look at a moose he had shot. After a general visit, I talked to him of the things of God and his responsibility as the spiritual head of his home and over his children. He spent the last year in prison for severe domestic violence and he has just been allowed back into his family. We prayed and I hope God will save him, as I see he could be used as an apostle Paul type. Please pray for R.N.
While I was there, Michael received a call from a family member who wanted to give him grief about his faith in Jesus. This gave us time to look into the Word on what God says about persecution and suffering, despite what he had learned from some of the white-washed tombs preaching on the TBN religious program that airs out here. We went through a stack of envelopes that were all requesting him and his wife to sow their seed to get rich and we had a good time looking in the Word on how God supplies our every need through Christ Jesus our Lord.
One of the highlights and most grieving experiences of the entire trip was walking through and ministering in a certain village. As many of you may remember, 4 1/2 years ago I asked you to begin praying for this village. I had never been there nor had I ever heard anything of this village. I had only found it by accident on Google Earth one night and then God gave me a burden for the souls in this village.
I told Michael, who is from there, that we have been praying for this specific village for 4 1/2 years. He looked at the ground with some despair, and I said, "I want to go there and I will pay the fuel for your boat." So we loaded up and left. On the way, I thought of all of you who have prayed for this village and I thought, "Here we go now, to share the Good News in a village that has no Gospel at all."
When we got there, all we saw was a mean dog tied up on the beach. We went to see Michael's brothers and then walked through the entire village, which was all on one dirt road. We passed by lots of children playing and I found out later they were playing in the village cess pools. Then as we passed by one house where many children were playing, there was the sound of people coughing and the strong smell of marijuana. I looked over and there in broad daylight were parents getting high at 2:00 pm. I saw many other things like this and the Lord opened the door to share the Good News with four of them who were living such wretched lives.
As I left the village that night, I was filled with grief for these people and their children. They don't have any church there at all. There is an old Russian Orthodox Church there where Michael's Dad is buried, and Michael asked me if I would pray at his Dad's burial sight. He told me of his Dad's last words to him, which amazed me, coming from the lips of an Orthodox church member: "Michael, if our way won't help you, then go to a church that will help you and use my Bible when you go to share in the villages."
We prayed for that village and decided we must come and preach to this whole village in November. We asked the head council for permission and she said to send a letter to the other board members. Please pray for this opportunity He has laid before us and for those lost souls dieing in their sins.
I also saw a young man saved by the name of Jerome. He stayed with us the rest of the trip and says he wants to give all to God. He began sharing in the village roads with me as we walked around. I gave him a Paul Washer CD the first night and J. C. Ryle's "Thoughts for Young Men". He stayed up that night listening to the CD and began reading the book. I have a lot of hope for him and ask you to please pray for him, as he is just a babe in Christ. Jerome and Michael are going to start meeting every Monday morning to study the Word and are hoping the Lord will add to their number.
We had the first meeting as a church there on Sunday the 13th and they plan by God's grace to continue the meetings, despite what the village says about them inviting others to come pray, worship, study the Word and fellowship.
In summary, as I walked around one night about 3:00 am after walking with Jerome, I had the opportunity to share with three of the village police officers, one of whom is Gary. When I mentioned Sodom and Gomorrah, Gary said with a smile on his face, "I read about that in my Bible this morning." He was not afraid to testify in front of them. When I walked home, the streets were filled with stoned kids offering me drugs and punk, which is a tree fungus they mix with tobacco for a hallucinogenic high. I also saw fights between men and women and even a young lady nearly raped. I said, "Lord, what is wrong with this village! O God, what is wrong with these people? I have never seen such depravity." As soon as I spoke those words, the Lord flashed before me all my past and I realized they are not different than any Christless person in all the world.
They are like I was years ago--groping through the darkness, filled with every sin, and all hatred. Like me so selfish as to not care about any one but myself. Oh, the thought that He poured out His blood to cleanse me, to satisfy the wrath of God, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst; however, for this reason, I obtained mercy, that in me Christ might show all patience as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.
I have much more I could share with you, but I think that is enough for now. Now to the KING eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever.
Thank you all for your faithful partnership and prayers on our behalf and on behalf of those we serve.
Yours because He lives,
- Justin & Melissa
"But whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Wall, the Winepress, and the Watchtower
‘Round about His children the Father builds a wall
To keep them from the danger that encompasses them all.
The wall stands tall and firm, hemming each one in,
Helping shield them from the evils of flesh, and self, and sin.
He also builds a winepress, to trample out His fruit
For when it has been crushed it yields up all its juice.
The crimson that flows out from ‘neath the oxen’s feet
Has been pressed, but not destroyed, for its taste is sweet.
Last of all a tower, in which His guards await,
Looks out across the vineyard, watching all the gates.
When the enemy is spotted, there sounds a great alarm
And defenders soon respond by taking up their arms.
The meaning of these verses is carefully explained;
In each one an attribute of the Father is contained.
The wall depicts the strength with which He keeps His own,
In a shelter fortified, instead of leaving them alone.
The winepress shows us how He also tests and tries,
Using suffering and trials, His children to refine.
All is done in love, and when no dross remains
Unharmed they are brought through the purifying flames.
The tower in the field where the guardsmen stand
Is the ever-seeing eye that watches all the lands.
An urgent cry resounds, and warns all those inside
There is refuge in the Lord for those who will abide.
~A.L. 09/04/09
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